Singapore is famous for its educational success, especially in the field of STEM. In Singapore, students are introduced to STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) even before they start school. The reasoning behind this is to give students a […]

Why teach coding to kids?
Did you know that coding has over 700 languages? 🔠 There are only two countries that have more languages—Indonesia with 710 languages and Papua New Guinea with 836. But coders don’t have to worry about learning all these languages because […]

Serangoon Nex Roadshow
Young Engineers was at Serangoon Nex Atrium for a 6 days roadshow from 28 Aug- 2 Sep 2018. Many parents dropped by our booth to enquire about our weekly classes and holiday programs. We have also had crowds coming from […]

What is STEM?
What is STEM?At it’s most basic, STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. But STEM education is far more than just sticking those subject titles together. It’s a philosophy of education that embraces teaching skills and subjects in a way […]

Hougang Mall Roadshow
40 kids participated in our mini Brick Challenge at Hougang Mall from 8-14 June 2018 We have ended another fruitful roadshow, this time at Hougang Mall which is only 3-5 min walk to our Young Engineers Center at “The Midtown”. […]

May/June 2018 In-House Holiday Workshops
We had 22 Young and Aspiring Engineers signing up for our holiday workshops over 3 days. Below are some of the highlights of the events. Who is Leonardo Da Vinci? Who is the Inventor of first aircraft? What makes the airplanes fly? […]

March Holiday Workshop
Science Workshop: Recommended for Age 9-11 Date: 14 March 2018 Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm Duration: 3 hours Contents: In this Camp, children will learn the laws and concepts of the world of science, math and engineering, through a combination of learning […]

The Lever Principle Lesson
Archimedes Lever Fulcrum Principle “Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world.” Lever & Fulcrum This is our third lesson as we cover on the first simple machine. Back in 2000BC […]

The Catapult Lesson
The medieval Times Catapult A walk-through the medieval times, learning of the catapult and it’s invention. Catrice It is really fun building the catapult and learning about the medieval times. Mariam This is the Catapult I have built. Today we […]

United Square Roadshow
Young Engineers Singapore participated in yet another roadshow to provide support for the organizer in the Lego Creative Contest and regulating the game station booth. The response has been nothing but overwhelming. Lego is one of the most popular toys […]