Did you know that STEM subjects greatly help children develop public speaking skills? Public speaking skills can improve your child’s communication and persuasion skills, which will not only benefit them during their studies but also when they enter the workplace. […]

How to raise an emotionally intelligent child
Formal education is important—it is systematic, deliberate, subject-oriented, and has helped shape many of the successful leaders and experts we see today. But it’s important to know that intelligence comes in other forms too, not just academically. There is another […]

Parents, do you know when and when not to push your child?
There is such a thing as too much pressure. Although parents only want the best for their children, they must understand that too much of one thing is not as good as they think it is. According to News Straits […]

Hands-on learning: What is it and how does it benefit young children?
If we were to ask you a question that you once studied in high school, can you still answer it? Chances are, you can’t even remember what you learnt back then. When you learn by memorising, you don’t really learn […]

The importance of early childhood experiences for brain development
Do you know just how important early brain development is? Let us paint you a picture. A baby is born with all the neurons that they will ever have. Regardless of how small their brain is, they are born with […]

Why should we make learning fun for children?
“The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice.” — Brian Herbert, American author Sometimes we forget that the reason we go to school and attend classes is […]

Get to know more about our Young Engineers programme!
Singapore is famous for its educational success, especially in the field of STEM. In Singapore, students are introduced to STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) even before they start school. The reasoning behind this is to give students a […]

More fun engineering projects to try at home!
Did you know that play is an essential part of kids’ education? Play is a great way for kids to unwind and learn things that are not taught in a normal classroom. For instance, do you know what kids can […]

Why teach coding to kids?
Did you know that coding has over 700 languages? 🔠 There are only two countries that have more languages—Indonesia with 710 languages and Papua New Guinea with 836. But coders don’t have to worry about learning all these languages because […]